Sasser 2024 Reunion
Born in 1961 and here we are now 2025, WOW! Let's keep it moving. Thought you might enjoy warm and vivid memories during the winter day of the Sasser Family Reunion (SFR) last July during this holiday season. Shout Out to Cousin Teresa for sending hundreds of them my way.
Go below to Check Out The Pictures. You should be able to download and save or share as well.
Make yourself at home in this digital space, the virtual residence, the home away from home. Interesting thought, huh? Well, it is for me...
Sasser Family Portal
Wanted to share all those pictures and videos taken at the Sasser Family Reunion (SFR) last July during this holiday season. Mostly pictures so far, oh, and Shout Out to Cousin Teresa for sending hundreds of them my way.
Go below to Check Out The Pictures. Email sign-up is required. No worries, safety measures that's all and check your email after. The videos will be in the next wave and then will dig into the archives. Don't let me have all the fun. You should be able to upload download and share as well Also, will try to trip you out with some other cool features like private chat groups, blogs, games, and more.
Make yourself at home in this digital space, the virtual residence, the home away from home. Interesting thought, huh? Well, it is for me...